Monday, August 29, 2011

Mom is too Cool

My mom now has a blog.  Nevapaints.  It will no doubt be hugely successful and well-read. She is funnier and a much better writer than me.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Working From Home

I wake up most days with the best intentions.  As I consider my options for getting up I fully intend to stretch first thing, then eat some oatmeal.  After that I will head downstairs, jump on the treadmill for 20 minutes and while I'm there, grab the vacuum and do Cob Web Duty which has fallen into my to-do column in recent years.  It used to be in my husband's column but not anymore.  I can throw in some laundry while I am there and then head upstairs to plan two more healthy meals for the day.  After a shower and all the attending moisturizing, hair and make-up, brush, floss and water-pic, I will race up the steps to my office, put on some great tunes and get a strong start on a good,  busy, productive day.
Once every few months, this scenario actually unfolds.  Most days I just get up and light a cigarette, get some good strong coffee with half-n-half, check my Facebook and get lost in some internet fascination.   By 11 AM I have usually squeezed in a tooth brushing, face washing and hell, I showered last night so how bad can I be? Chicken strips and ranch dressing and up to work I go.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

I thought I knew something..

..But I Don't

More and more often as I get older, I find that some of the perceptions I have had, some my entire life, are not only wrong, they are baseless.

A recent trip to Los Angeles continues to remind me that I have based too many opinions about people, ideas and certainly places on either misinformation or misunderstood information.