Saturday, September 3, 2011

Okay, so I get that great care should be taken when driving a 4000 pound vehicle where pedestrians are milling around - like the Walmart parking lot.  But seriously.  Get the f##k out of the way.

     I mean is it just me or has the flow of traffic in parking lots taken a turn for the worse?   When 7 cars are stopped for three, very slow, fat, smart-assy pedestrians who would actually be going backwards if they walked any slower, I cannot be the only driver thinking, eff it, hit them.  Or at least honk like hell.

     Courtesy, safety, caution.. I get it.  It just doesn't make sense for 7 cars to stop for 1.5 minutes to wait for these inconsiderate pukes to lolly-gag their asses across the driveway when it would take only 1/2 a  minute for all 7 cars to get past the cross-walk, making it perfectly safe and convenient for the inconsiderate bastards to pedest at their leisure.

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